Sunday, September 23, 2007

ManTech: September 20

The last topic we have discussed is about machines taking over people's jobs, taking advantages on other people's idea so you can make profit for it, predatory marketing and increase in processor speed but decrease in its price as time goes by. The same thing applies in hard disk.

It was just last year, 1st term, when I first bought a 512mb Kingston USB flash drive at SM santa rosa. Guess how much the price is? It cost 1,999php! But now you can buy it for only 799php at SM. 340php at CD-R King to be exact. You can buy a 4gb USB flash drive for 1,999 today. And take note, it was just last year. You can call yourself cool if you have that kind of USB memory that time. But now, it is not that
useful any more for people who like to store big files. Like me.

Change topic, I have researched a little fact, actually it is a law about how the speed of processors gradually enhances and speeds up as time goes by.

Gordon Moore is the co-founder and currently the CEO of Intel. He a explains his law "Moore' Law" stated that the number of transistors in a single chip will double in every two years. The first chip was build on 1971 and consist of 23 hundred transistors. Transistors are the onesresponsible for speeding up your processors. Twenty five years later after the first processor, the Pentium 1 has been created and has 5.5 million transistors.

Hmmm.. so if I bought a 512mb flash drive last year for 1,999php, and i can buy a 4gb flash drive for the same price today. I can buy a 32gb flash drive for the same or higher price next year!! Flash drives increases its capacity 8 times every year! Wow!
I've just explain my brand new law! The "Romer's Law" *Hehe*


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