Sunday, December 2, 2007

ManTech: November 29

Last week we discuss about what can I.T. do to the future and what are its effects. I have read this article on Yahoo News that scientist and experts are currently conducting an experiment on a banking device than can identify a person using their saliva. Basically they are thinking an alternative way to access bank accounts in very secure and a unique way to avoid fraudulent access on bank accounts.

I'm just trying to say that almost all of what we can possibly think about the future can be true because of our technology. Maybe we could charge our cellphones wirelessly using bluetooth. Or maybe we could access our login accounts in the internet with our fingerprints using a highly advanced touch-screen monitor. These are just some of the things that I can imagine in the near future.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ManTech: Paper 5

IT issues that have bothered the society

Ever since the Y2K bug ended, almost every people are now aware of what it can really do. They thought that every computer will crashed and their documents will be lost. Everyone was panicking. From office workers and even I.T. literate persons are also being hysterical. They didn’t actually know what it can do to their computers until it comes to a point that they spent a lot of money back-upping their files. All of this non-sense should not or somewhat can be lessen if the some people back then are not so ignorant and gullible about it.

I have read a small article about the Y2K bug. It states that all computer powered machines such as hospital tools, credit cards, air traffic controls, military weapons or even nuclear weapons will malfunction and will lead to the end of the world. Some religious leaders believe that it is one of the prophecies that will cause to destroy the earth. Worried people stashed and reserves food and batteries, the U.S. government spent nearly 9 million $ just to repair and fix computer as the so called “apocalypse” will come. But eventually programmers and some experts resolve the “apocalypse”. That catastrophe should not happen if people were not so ignorant and gullible. They should know what would be the least and worst thing that could happen.

As time flies, and so as technology, we should be aware of what the current technology can do to our lives. For me, it is not impossible that humans can be replaced by robots. Less manpower means more effectively but also less in livelihood. These would cause people to lose their job resulting more poor people. It is okay in some wealthy countries to be replaced by robots to do their jobs, but here in the Philippines? Of course not. We are way behind in other countries in terms of technology and development. I just hope that when the time comes that almost all of our workers have been replaced by robots, all of our workers would have a better lives than before.


ManTech: Paper 3

Access Nation

Law and Order is a television show that focuses on various crimes and their judgment. The episode that we watched last Thursday is about the murder of a psychiatrist that leads to a cyber crime. The murderer uses the Internet to stalk and kill his victim.

I can say that some of the things that was used or happened in the movie are realistic but some are not. Some of the things that are realistic are the worms that the murder used to track the victim. The worms were used by the murderer to track every information on the victim’s P.C. without physically using the victim’s P.C. I can say that it is somehow realistic. One example of that is our new NewLab security server that can view the things students are doing that time. Meaning they have a monitoring application installed on NewLab’s P.C.

The only thing that is not realistic at all is the company Access Nation. I never heard of a company that sells information that came for the Internet. And if a company holds various information that came from the Internet, they would not sell them because it illegal and must not be shared to other users.

The things we see in futuristic movies can be very fictional. Spaceships, teleportation devices, hi-tech gadgets etc. But when you think about it, it will only take time to those things to be real.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ManTech: November 12

I think piracy here in the Philippines cannot be stopped. One main reason is because of our fast phased technology. Remember when DVDs first came, and they say that it will never be copied.. a few months later, the DVD writer came and a whole bunch of pirated DVDs exploited the world. Much likely, it WILL happen to Blu-Ray disks too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ManTech: October 22

Their is this story about two friends who are very adept in hacking websites and databases. Basically they just hack for fun and to further improve their skills. They have known each other for a long time but they haven't physically seen each other. Their friendship starts at IRC where they exchange information about hacking and cracking softwares. Until one person (forgot the name but all i know that it is Arabic) offer them a job to hack some military files over the net. The price was fairly high so they accept it and eventually get their jobs done. Many months later the same Arabic guy offer them another hacking job. This time it is an airport security procedure files that can be located in their databases online. Again, job well done. Three months later, the Twin Towers in New York was blown down.

This story is just a part in the book "The Art of Intrusion" by Kevin Mitnick where hackers and their exploits are revealed. The real story is a bit indirect to what I have said but if you read the actually story, you will think that there is a connection on how the Twin Towers was blown.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

ManTech: October 4

To be honest, I'm not very impressed at what we watch last Thursday. Maybe Microsoft has been a victim of these attack that's why they are showing it. And lastly, it was created or shown in 2004. That kind of code and attack is surely updated and no one will use it today.

What I'm saying is, they should show current and updated attack that is happening today. And remember, no matter how a program or an establishment is highly secured, the human factor is always the weakest link to that security.

Monday, October 1, 2007

ManTech: October 1

I'm talking up a subject called DIGIFOR or Digital Forensics today every Saturday. There we are discussing all about crimes via internet also known as cyber crimes. Ever wonder how hackers can gather personal information of their victims? Steal their money at bank without a sweat? Or even hacking on a very highly secure bank or military databases? What to know their secrets? Then take DIGIFOR!

Just joking..

They use their speaking abilities or a special method that they call social engineering. Social engineering is a type of communication that hackers used to their victims by asking them simple off topic questions then eventually ending up saying their personal information about them. Here in the Philippines we call them "Budul Budul" were strangers ask friendly question about something and ending up giving your personal belongings. You should know a bit of Hypnotism to do this.


The point is, people today are so gullible and they are allowing themselves to be fooled or scammed whether it is actual or by the use of technology.
(From COMPRO2 by Sir Alain)